Kickstart Your STEM Classroom: Engaging First-Day Activities

Starting a new school year is the perfect opportunity to set the tone for an exciting and successful STEM classroom experience. Picture a classroom where students are excited to learn and ready to embrace the collaborative and inventive nature of STEM from the very start. Check out these creative and engaging first-day activities to help […]
10 Tips for Creating a Dynamic STEM Education Program

Are you ready to jump into STEM education, but feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start? Check out these 10 tips for creating an awesome STEM education program. Let us help you simplify your entry into the world of STEM, while also ensuring a seamless integration of innovative and engaging learning experiences for your students.
Boosting Engagement and Learning: The Magic of Stem Choice Boards

Are you looking for innovative ways to boost engagement and promote active learning in your STEM classroom? Look further than STEM choice boards to encourage autonomy, spark curiosity, and motivate learning!
5 Tips for a Fantastic First Day of STEM Class

It’s that time… Summer is ending, and our brains are switching back to school mode. You may be wondering “What should I do on the first day of STEM?” Don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Here are five things to do on your first day of school (and beyond) that will help you get started […]
Creating Effective STEM Lesson Plans: Tips and Tricks

STEM education at its core is about applying science, technology, engineering and math skills and knowledge to solve problems. Therefore, the focus of STEM lesson plans should be on developing students’ problem-solving abilities. Therefore, STEM lesson plans usually consist of longer term projects where students are doing the majority of the work and teachers are […]
How to start a STEM program: 5 tips for your first weeks of school

The first few days of a new semester are always exciting, but they are also so important for creating the classroom culture and routines that will guide the rest of the school year. While some classroom procedures and routines can be used in any classroom, there are specific considerations for a STEM classroom. Whether you […]
Teaching Programming to Middle Schoolers

Coding is a very important skill for today’s students. Currently, computer science job openings outpace the number of qualified applicants, and as we move into the future, more and more industries will require employees to have some basic computer programming skills… But how exactly do you go about teaching programming to middle schoolers? It seems […]
Understanding Fear of Failure in STEM Education

Fear of failure and not having the “right” answer is one of the most common challenges STEM students face. This anxiety is especially prevalent when your class gives them their first real STEM experience. While most traditional courses condition students to expect clear “right” answers – where consistent effort typically leads to good grades – […]
How to use STEM movies in your classroom

Let’s face it – everyone loves a great movie day! But we’ve all been there: without proper planning, students can disengage and treat it like free time. Then, you’re stuck managing behavior instead of making the most of your instructional time. Don’t worry! You can transform STEM movies into powerful learning experiences by following these […]
The Essential STEM Supplies List

After 15 years in STEM education, I’ve discovered something surprising: some of the most valuable STEM supplies aren’t actually “STEM supplies” at all! These are the everyday items that have become absolute game-changers in my classroom. I’ve compiled this STEM supplies list to help make your teaching life easier. Want to skip straight to the […]